Posts tagged skill
On Professional Experience

Why are some employers looking for the junior specialist, while others need seniors? Why may a senior specialist have a salary ten times greater than a junior? And why this separation exists at all? Let us check what is the difference between different levels of specialists, and try to answer these questions.

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Underrated Technical Skills

An average technical interview of a software developer is a pretty boring thing. One person asks another about his experience, programming languages used, database structures and tricks, and key features of the used framework. But there are some essential skills which most developers do not even consider for including into CV or technical interview. Let us have a look at these skills and check the benefits.

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Narrow Specialization or Wide Experience?

Quite a lot of people ask themselves this question. Do I want to be a professional and do one or two things extremely good? Or I want to cover multiple areas and be able to solve numerous types of problems? We are going to check the pros and cons of these two approaches which should help you to make a decision.

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Business Skills for Software Engineer

Does software engineer need business skills? Yes, of course! This answer is clear for every senior-level specialist or software architect, but not for beginners or random people in IT. So let us have a look at why they are so important and see what specific skills might be useful for a software engineer.

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On Learning and Aging

Everybody knows that the older the person, the harder it is to learn something new, and it is usually taking longer and longer to do it. However, even though this statement is theoretically true, there are a couple of curious observations indicating that it is not as simple as that. Let us have a look at some facts and see the connection between a learning process and aging.

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